Who are we ???

and why do we call ourselves a zoo ??


We really like animals....

1. One (1) Dog

2. One (1) Cat (who thinks he's a dog)

3. One (1) Parrot (the noisiest friend we have)

4. One (1) Snake (the cleanest friend we have)

5. One (1) Guinea Pig ( no, not for the snake)

6. One (1) Salamander ( not for the snake either)

7. Seven (7) Mice (the snake would like these, too)

8. Two (2) Finches (the cat likes these)

9. Nine (9) Tropical Fish (the cat would really like


10. RATS !! (Not the evil vermin you might think) 

We have also raised Iguanas, Crayfish, A Grey Squirrel (EXTREMELY ACTIVE !!!), Tadpoles, Wild Rabbits, an Eastern Box Turtle (who now lives with our daughter), a Mourning Dove (who now is at an area environmental center) and various other creatures, both cold and warm blooded. If you have any comments, help or questions about raising, feeding, or enjoying the company of a common or exotic animal, please contact us. mail@lyneszoo.com

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